There was an Eastern Wood Pewee at singing all morning while I was doing my
weekly volunteer rounds of the Exhibit birds at Vins. I don't know if
anyone else has been hearing them, but this was the FOY for me! There was
also a very vocal Brown Creeper. I know they're not new, but it was singing
a lot more than I usually hear.

Yesterday on P5 in Norwich when out for a late evening walk with my dogs, I
heard SO many Black-Throated Blue warblers, I wished I had kept count.
There was a lot of counter-singing, and a lot of chasing going on. I hope
there's enough territory so everyone can find a place to stay, but there
were a lot of birds! There were also many Scarlet Tanagers, unless the same
one was following me over the 2 loops I covered, but there was a lot of
counter-singing with them too. Fewer, but still a lot of, Black-Throated
Green Warblers and Ovebirds, Hermit and Wood Thrushes. For not being a
birding hotspot, it was pretty alive out there, though it's hard to
actually see much with the trees being so tall!