Help us find and surveyy Bank Swallow Colonies across Vermont. They are streaming into the state with each warm front and soon nesting colonies will be occupied. In most years they arrive in April, but at many colony sites in Vermont Bank Swallows do not appear until May. Breeding behavior starts within a week of arrival. Bank Swallows dig their own burrows, and often reuse burrows from previous years.

We need your help to get a snapshot of all the colonies, no matter how big or small, that we can find across the state. Check eroding river banks, sand pits, borrow pits, road cuts...and more! Perhaps the Vermont eBird map of Bank Swallow sightings from May- June can help you check your area? Check it out and explore:

Visit Vermont eBird to learn more! Its easy and fun!


Kent McFarland
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
PO Box 420 | Norwich, Vermont 05055
802.649.1431 x2

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