from  "Detiveaux, Georges J" <[log in to unmask]>

Subject: use of social media (w. success data)?
Date: December 22, 2011 9:23:38 AM EST

Happy Holidays, IALLTers!

Our college system recently came out with a bizarre policy that pretty much bans the use of social media in teaching & learning. To present a counter-argument, we have to do so in administrator-ese (hey! a language I actually DON'T want to learn!), so my dean has asked me to help find research that shows that the use of social media in instruction improves success rates. 

Can anyone recommend any articles/links/archived presentations they've come across that include success data in courses that use social media (like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc.)? 

Thanks in advance, and warmest wishes to all for a great holiday season and a wonderful 2012! 


georges detiveaux
manager, teaching & learning center labs & instructional support, 
lone star college-cyfair
9191 barker cypress road, lrnc-212a
cypress, tx 77433
ph 281.290.5975 fx 281.290.5282
pres, socallt,

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