Would anyone be able to check out the IDs on some birds for me? I put
pictures up on the flicker eBird group, but they're also in my photostream
which is LOllmann.  I was guessing that the flycatcher in the apple tree is
Least.  There was SO much chipping going on, with seemingly HUNDREDS of
hungry baby chipping sparrows, I'm not sure if I would have noticed its
voice.  The other is in my dying cherry tree, kind of under exposed, but can
anyone tell what it is?

Then there's the immature Hawk. I guessed sharp-shinned because when I first
saw it I thought it was a lone bluejay in the tree, until I realized it
wasn't sitting like a bluejay.  It was making ki ki ki calls. I've been
gathering lists with the intention of putting at least some of them on eBird
eventually, but I want to be sure I enter correct species.

Today I also got pictures of an Olive-Sided Flycatcher on the top of my dead
Pine tree, but I haven't uploaded those yet. Wonder if it's the same one
whose been hanging around Norwich?

Thanks for any input anyone has!


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