Sunday evening around 7:30 pm while I was driving my daughter and her
boyfriend into Lebanon for dinner, we saw a falcon on the power line to our
right. I saw it bob it's tail once just after what looked like an awkward
landing. I pulled over and handed binoculars to my daughter, but the bird
flew away too quickly to get a good look. We did hear it's kek kek kek call,
so listened to both merlin and kestrel calls on iphone. We agreed it sounded
more like the merlin than the higher pitched kestrel, but we weren't sure.
It was definitely not a male kestrel, but I suppose it could have been a
female or immature (maybe explain the rocky landing?).   Is it more likely
that it would be a kestrel? It seemed bigger, but it's always hard to tell
without a frame of reference.

Thanks for input!


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