On 22 Jul 2011, at 13:18, paolo savonuzzi wrote:

> On venerd́ 22 luglio 2011 at 13:19, Doug Browne wrote:
>> And another thing!
>> The Launchpad is a great way to launch applications, but it is spread over three pages. I have not yet found a way to make the icons smaller or, to throw out the application I seldom use. Until I can customise this, I shall continue to use the Dock and the Applications Folder.
> … no iPhone/iPad, right? :-p

> dropping an application on top of another one will create a "folder" (as in iOS) then you can add up to… 16 apps on the iPhone, 20 on the iPad so I guess, on a Mac, it depends on screen size. and for each "folder" you can change the name clicking on it
Thank you. The folder thing is neat, but does not really help as I still have the icons speared over three pages even after a restart. You are right about 16 apps.

> icons size, I guess, is the same you set in "View/Show View Options" for you desktop folder
Nope, doesn't seem to do it.

> take a look, *not* on MAS, at QuickPick, the one I still prefer to anything else (after 10 years using DragThing)
>> By the way, after a hour or so, upside down scrolling seems normal!
> yes, and once you get used to it actually feels natural :-)

I operate a lot in automatic mode and so do not see things, or notice things - an old age thing? Anyway, I have just noticed that Restart and Shutdown in the Apple menu give you the choice of reopening the previous windows on restart.

Since I leave the computer as I wish to start, this is not a feature I need.
