Saturday:   started at the Pompy Farm.. no Orchard O.  (boo-hoo) yet.
Located a Wilson's Warbler on Cambell Flats, even got it in my scope !
Singing too.


Went to the Houghton Hill marsh, just got out of my car and leaned on it for
20 minutes, not going anywhere.  The trees were moving w/ warblers etc. And
the  trees were Ash, w/ small leaves.


40 species at marsh. Car:  E Wood Pewee, Bl Headed Vireo, Sc Tan, RB Grosb,
Gr cr Flyc,  Yb Saps, Baybreasted, Wilson's, Yellow rumped, Co Yellowthroat,
Am Redstart, Magnolia, Ovenb, Blackburnian, No Parula, Black  and White
warblers, and Brown Creeper.


Marsh produced: Am Bittern, Virginai Rail, Ea Kingbirds (nest), Swamp, White
throat, Song Sparrows, Wild Turkey, Gray Catbird, Winter Wren, Bl thr Green,
Nashville, Chestnut sided, Hooded Mergs, and some blackflies. No swallows
today, only 2 on sat.


Stopped by again this am. fairly early (6:15) was just getting out of car
when I heard " three beers" a rich, clear song. Hmmm.  It has been a while.
Hopped out. Then I heard "quick 3 beers" ahhh. then saw the individual on
top of a poplar.. Distinct white rump patch. Sweet !!   Olive-sided
flycatcher.   Lots of redstarts and chesnutsideds around. Visited the
Mystery Trail too. Nothing outrageous, but a fellow said he saw and heard a
blue-winged warbler.I never saw or heard it.  Magnolias, CSwa's, alder flyc.










Bill Shepard        


Project Coordinator

CT River Birding Trail

2360 Academy Road

Thetford Center, VT  05075


Home: 802 785-2855


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