On 13/05/2011, at 3:56, Sue <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The text looks like what I want, but then when I try my Substitute script--the substitute doesn't work

... Because it's not the font *style* you need to affect, but rather
the case of the characters. Think of it this way: if you applied Bold
to certain words then exported a Merge file, you wouldn't end up with
any Bold text, because the style information isn't exported. Any
styles applied to the text, including Bold, Underline, Title Case,
etc, do not affect the character content of the field.

On the other hand, the text-manipulation functions Lower(), Upper()
and Proper() DO change the case of characters so you could replace
field contents using Proper() before applying your Substitute command
to abbreviate.

Tim Mansour <[log in to unmask]>
Neologica Print & Promotions ABN 63 904 335 408
Certified FileMaker 10 Developer
PO Box K1163 : Haymarket NSW 1240
Mobile 0405 500 846