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As "older" IALLTers know IALLT has had a very close and long-lasting
relationship with our counterpart in Japan.  In fact IALLT decided on its
current name (very similar name at least) in Japan in a meeting of North
Americans and Japanese in the early 80s.

This past August the Language and Educational Technology (LET) Association of
Japan invited your Past President, your President-Elect, one of our other Past
Presidents and me to attend LET's 50th anniversary conference in Yokohama,
Japan.  Three other IALLTers also attended this conference, including our new
President-Elect and our moderator of LLTI.  To say that we received exceptional
hospitality would be an understatement.

Last night I posted on Facebook saying how much I missed Japan and that I had
had a "homesick" moment last week.  How ironic that I posted that a couple of
hours before this horrorific natural disaster.

As your IALLT President I sent the following note to the President of LET. 
Following that is his reply I received a few minutes ago:

"On behalf of the IALLT board let me express our concern regarding the
earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  All of us are following events there as
well as we can here.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  We do hope and
pray that no LET member will have been adversely affected by this horrible
act of nature.

Sent with our very warmest regards,
Mike, for the IALLT Board.


Dear Ledgerwood-sensei and IALLT board members,

Thank you so much for your message.  Fortunately, the earthquake did not hit 
the western area of Japan where I live,  although Tsunami warnings have been
issued in  coastal areas all over Japan since yesterday afternoon.  But I am
afraid that the northern part of Japan has  severe damage. The whole picture of
the damage is still unknown even in Japan.

I am now trying to get info about LET members in the region. I will let you
know if I get some info.

Thanks again for your concern and prayers.

Osamu Takeuchi, President of LET

Dean, Professor of Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Foreign Language Studies/
Graduate School of Foreign Language Ed. and Research
Kansai University, Osaka, Japan "

How heartbreaking this is....

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Anthony Helm, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])