--- Forwarded message from "Shoaf,Judith P" ---

>From: "Shoaf,Judith P" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information    Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 20:19:01 -0500

Some of the MGM World series have French as well as Spanish subtitles.

Same-language subtitling is fairly recent but getting common in Europe--it is
labeled "for the deaf and hard of hearing" (e.g. "sourds et malentendants" but
sometimes translated as "in sign language"!!!). So more recent titles from
Europe are likely to have it. That means PAL and possibly Region 2. 

Canadian DVDs in French may have French subtitles and are region 1. (Canadian
copyright laws do not however allow classroom display of a DVD without
purchasing extra rights.)

Judy Shoaf 

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