Hi to all,

Erik is promoting OpenOffice.org suite of applications:

>  The new and totally OS X native versions of both OpenOffice and 
> StarOffice for MaC are so macish that you won't think of it when 
> using them.

>  Openoffice.org - The Modern Productivity Solution - www.openoffice.org

  -- I would like to point everyone to the following version of this 
suite: LibreOffice.

First some articles about the suite:




And the home page of The Document Foundation:


Kind regards,

Igor Kramberger, raziskovalec-urednik

Koro'ska cesta 63, SI-2000 Maribor
pri Tom'si'c, Ulica Toma Brejca 11 a, SI-1241 Kamnik

Slovenija, Evropa