Gawd 'elp us!!! I just updated a new (used - ain't eBay marvellous?) laptop to OS X.6.3 with the auto software update download this very day. Nearly 800+ MB.

Oh well, the same again but this time I'm downloading the combo package to apply to all three machines (we have one more to update from X.6.2). Just under 900 MB.

When will it end? Remember OS 7.5? ;-)

Cheers, Geoff

Geoffrey Heard
Publisher, Editor, Business Writer
The Worsley Press
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Busy, but there are the details  (-:
The 10.6.4 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It includes Safari 5 and general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including fixes that:
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:
For information on the security content of this update, please visit:

641MB, that's all, for so little.

Regards from brianF