I don't know about non-commercial products that facilitate audio testing and
evaluation of student recordings, but the data management involved is one of the
strengths of our LangLab PASSPORT product. Lessons can be tests, kept hidden
until the moment of use, revealed,  and perhaps hidden again afterward. It is
possible to allow secure remote access to the server, enabling students to bring
up a module that connects automatically to the server (from a computer on the
LAN or via the Internet), log into a course, select a lesson that is a test from
a pull-down menu, and click to go from item to item, with their recordings going
automatically on the server. Instructors can then bring up a module for
assessment (including on a computer in an office or at home), which connects
automatically to the server. They can select students from a pull-down menu,
select the test-lesson from a menu of items, click to go from item to item,
click to retrieve a recording for an item, listen to it, and, if desired, insert
comments at any point. For placement testing, including for students not yet
enrolled, it is easy to put students on a roster temporarily. A text window can
accommodate written questions and answer mechanisms, for testing of listening
comprehension and aural discrimination as well as reading/writing skills. It's
quite affordable. Those interested might look at www.elanglab.com and draw their
own conclusions.

     --Richard Laden
Dr. Richard A. Laden
Director, E-LangLab, LLC
Berkeley, CA, USA
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