On 2010 Apr 13, Tue, at 10:36 am, Bob Stern wrote:
>> Andrus wrote:
>> I tried the newest TypeIt4Me a month or two ago, and found it  
>> looked nice and had some nice features and generally felt fun.   
>> However, I also found out it messes with the clip board, and it  
>> warned that on slower systems it may not expand properly
> Try Typinator.
> -- 
> Bob Stern

Maybe when I am forced to upgrade the OS! :-)
I have been using TypeIt4Me for so many years-- am habituated to its  
quirks, and have it set up to use the same data file for OS X and  

Surely Apple will incorporate Typinator and PTHPasteboard functions  
into OS 1.7, non?
Or will it all be moot because Macs will be supplanted by iSlates?
It is getting ever so difficult to be a good Mac Luddite!  :-)

