Thank you for all the helpful suggestions.

The web page I am trying to work with is a Google search result. The difficulty I'm having is that if I use the GetLayoutAttribute function below, I get the PHP code of the page, which doesn't resemble the displayed text at all. I can copy and paste manually from the web browser, or from the web viewer as Beverley suggests. I'm not too worried about the lack of formatting - just the text is fine - but is there a way of scripting this? (I'm working on Windows, so I can't use the famed Applescript, although Autohotkeys seems to do some similar things for Windows.)

Thanks again

On 24/03/2010 11:16 PM, Tim Mansour wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
On 25 March 2010 08:13, Tim Mansour <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
you can use the function

GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( "objectname"; "content" )

to return the HTML currently loaded.
btw if you're on a Mac you could strip the HTML code with AppleScript
or one of the built-in Unix tools.