On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Angus Gilmour wrote:

> What I am a little concerned with, however, is why you are stuck in  
> the dark
> ages with an obsolete version of filemaker when you want to use a more
> sophisticated method of hosting and sharing filemaker databases.   
> Why not at
> least upgrade it to version 10 to take advantage of the many advanced
> features.


The upgrade from FMP6 (or FMS5) to FMP7+ is not trivial. Changes in  
Filemaker were so great between those versions that, in the case of a  
complicated solution, it is often more effective to start again (ie  
rewrite the solution) than to convert. This might mean a huge amount  
of work and cost.

A former client of mine is just now going through the process. They've  
been at it for a year or more. Big job. But in the end it has to be  
done because the hardware to run FMP6/FMS5 just won't be available.

Anyway, I imagine this is the reason why the original poster is keen  
to find hardware that will run such an old version.
