--- Forwarded Message from Michael Jones <[log in to unmask]> ---

>From: Michael Jones <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum   
<[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: user frustration with classroom media equipment
>Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 14:40:59 -0400

ITS @ Swarthmore is wondering if anyone has managed to design the  
PERFECT (ok, how about a very good) classroom A/V & computing install?

We put together some podiums for the classrooms that we thought would  
do a pretty good (and reliable) job of serving user needs:

- touchpad controllers
- dual boot Mac mini's
- alternate laptop inputs
- podium monitor
- desktop usb ports
- multi-region DVD players
- multi-system VCR's

We did our best to make things transparent and keep things out of  
reach, but are still getting a level of user frustration that has us  
wondering if we could be doing things better.  Professors are finding  
computers with:

- disconnected internet connections
- disconnected audio cables
- equipment that (amplifiers or power strips) that should be on, get  
turned off
- professors can't find the power button on the Mac Mini's

We've done training, we're working on better documentation, we're  
urging users to contact us RATHER THAN TRYING TO REWIRE THE SYSTEM.

If you have tricks, technical or other, that you've implemented  
successfully, we'd love to hear.

- mike

p.s. we're trying to stay away from devices that administer low-level  
shock treatments when users approach areas they shouldn't touch.


Michael Jones
Language Resource Center
Swarthmore College

(610) 328-8036
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