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On Jun 3, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Chuck Pelto wrote:

> Greetings All,
> How many decimal places can DELAYA go to to achieve a fraction of a  
> second?
> Can we go to milliseconds?
> Regards,
> Chuck
On My Machine. the smallest delay seems to be .016 or about 1/60th of  
a second.

It takes smaller numbers and may discriminate between smaller  
differences.  Delay 0 returns almost instantly.  ~10^-4 sec.  There is  
a *LOT* of slop in delay at these scales.  I wouldn't trust it finer  
than about a tenth of a second.

If you need finer times Cocoa is not that hard to learn.

Who is on his 3rd programming language of the day.