Had a close encounter Saturday with a Sharp-shinned hawk at our house in
Norwich, VT.  And a rather late report of a modest flock of Bohemians at DHMC
last Monday.  eBird reports below.

Bill Schults

Location:     Elm St, Norwich
Observation date:     1/31/09
Notes:     A sharp shinned hawk hit our picture window trying to pick-off a bird
at the sunflower seed feeder.  Made a loud enough crash to bring us running from
the other room.  It sat stunned on the snow for about 10 minutes.  At first,
it's wings were partially extended.  As it recovered, it folded the wings back
in, and hunkered down, looking up at us as we peered down from the window.  I
think it was trying to figure out what predator had "clobbered" it, and where it
had come from!  After 10 minutes it flew off to a nearby pine tree, apparently
not permanently harmed.  Nice, long, close-up view!
Number of species:     1

Sharp-shinned Hawk     1

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/vt)

And here's a sighting from last Monday at DHMC in Lebanon:

Location:     Centerra/DHMC
Observation date:     1/26/09
Notes:     About 50 Bohemians in the crabapple trees near the East Entrance to
DHMC in Lebanon, NH.
Number of species:     1

Bohemian Waxwing     50

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org/vt)

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