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From: [log in to unmask]
Date: December 16, 2008 10:14:47 AM EST
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Reindeer Voices of Totem:  Who YOU Have Helped!


The Totem Project - Taiga Alive! 2008 Update and Winter Appeal:

Please Help Us Raise Only $ 1800 By December 31 for our Barakat  
Foundation Match
to Continue our Aid and Native Rights Work with the Dukha and Tofa  
Reindeer Herders
in Mongolia and Russia!

Elder Samjiin, Dan Plumley and 3 Generations of West Dukha
Reindeer Herders in Northern Mongolia - where the Totem Project has  
replenished a once dieing reindeer herd to vigor and productivity for  
hunter - gatherers

The Totem Project's antler craft project has permitted
the reindeer to improve in health, strength and longevity
benefiting the life and nomadic economy of the Dukha herders of Mongolia
(Evenk Craft Reindeer, D. Plumley, Totem)

December 12, 2008

Dear Friends of the Totem Peoples:      RE:  Reindeer Voices of Totem:  
Taiga Alive! 2008-2009
More Project Pictures Below from Mongolia & Russia

The reindeer are singing and grunting happily in cold, northern  
Mongolia near the border of Russia's frozen region called Siberia -  
the "sleeping land."  And the Dukha, Tofa, Todja and Soyot Peoples  
whose cultures have hunted, gathered and herderd these majestic, but  
threatened reindeer nomadically for 3,000 years are sharing their  
thanks at this time.

 From Mongolia and Siberia, Russia, thanks to many donors and your  
support, these are the voices of the Totem Project - Taiga Alive! 2008  
- 2009 - the people who YOUR support has helped:

  "Thank you! Your direct aid to us through the Totem Project provided  
me my first note book computer which now holds our 9 year reindeer  
health database from our joint work.  Its so exciting and useful to  
have direct access to the database when I'm in the field treating  
herder's own deer and able to check our historical records on herd and  
individual animal and family health.  Thank you Totem Project for  
supporting my field veterinary care of the reindeer for 9 years!

Nansalmaa Myagmar
Totem Project Veterinary Specialist
Ulanbator, Mongolia

"Totem Project is refreshing and exciting support for us.  You truly  
listened to our needs and helped us with material and financial  
support to produce the First Peoples Journal -- the only regional  
journal addressing the unique cultures and survival challenges of the  
Irkutsk reindeer herding Tofalar and Evenk Peoples.  You tell us you  
will support our efforts and you deliver.  We rarely see that happen  
here in Siberia!  Thank you to all who support the Totem Project!"

Andrei Malchenko
Editor and Photographer
First Peoples Journal
Irkutsk, Siberia - Russia

Nansalmaa and Andrei are just two of the many people, reindeer herders  
and specialists that we support via the Totem Project and your  
critical donations.  But our joint cause is the same: securing a  
promising future and full rights to the traditional livelihood of the  
nomadic hunter-gathering peoples who herd reindeer and other key,  
endemic livestock in remote, special ecoregions of Eastern Siberia,  
Russia and northern Mongolia.

Help us add to these voices of real change.  There is a simple way you  
can add value to your donation this holiday season by helping us meet  
our Barakat Foundation matching grant.  In fact, we need to raise only  
$ 1800 dollars by December 31, 2008 in order to meet our match for the  
Barakat Foundation grant that will bring in an additional $ 4,000 to  
continue our field effort in providing needed veterinary care, craft  
tools and enabling native rights delegations to stake out positive  
government action on behalf of the the Dukha and Tofalar reindeer  
herders and key folks like Nansalmaa in Mongolia and Andrei in Russia.

Please consider a donation of $ 25, $ 50, $ 100, $ 500 or the amount  
you can truly share to help us aid the protection of the reindeer and  
the reindeer herder's long storied and beautiful, nomadic lifestyle in  
the Sayan Mountains.  See our campaign Totem Project - Taiga Alive!  
2008, our mission and project objectives and news at 
, or call me, Dan Plumley, director and founder of the Totem Project  
for any additional information or if you have questions of interest.

"Many people come, but the Totem Project, and those who support you  
from the US have made us proud with the return of our full reindeer  
herd and their beautiful antlers and strong health.  The Government is  
finally listening to us because of your work.  You have given our  
reindeer and our People a renewed voice - a voice of strength!"

Elder Samjiin
West Dukha Reindeer Herder and Lead Participant
in Totem Delegation to Mongolia's Capitol, Ulanbator

Add YOUR voice to ours and tell us you care about the future of the  
nomadic reindeer herders and their reindeer.  Please support the Totem  
Project as generously as you can by sending your tax deductible  
donation to the Totem Project at:

Totem Project - Taiga Alive! 2008
c/o The Virtual Foundation - Ecologia, Inc.
P.O. Box 268
Middlebury, Vermont 05753

Thank you for your past support from us here at Totem USA and our  
colleagues Nansalmaa, Andrei, Samjiin and the Dukha, Tofa, Todja and  
Soyot reindeer herders.

Sincere and best wishes for a blessed holiday season,


Dan Plumley
Totem Project - Taiga Alive! 2008-2009 see Totem Project
(518) 576-4430
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Veterinary Specialist Nansalmaa Myagmar at her office in Ulanbator,  
Mongolia preparing our reindeer health
database on her new notebook field computer provided by the Totem  
Project (Totem Photo 2008)

Our veterinarian specialist Nansalmaa Myagmar preparing treatments
and sharing medicines with the Dukha reindeer herders - West Dukha,
Mongolia (D. Plumley, Totem 2007)

Andrei Malchenko (2nd from left) Interviewing Tofalar Herders in their  
"chum" or teepee,
Irkutsk - Russia (A. Malchenko, 2008)

  First Peoples Journal - Produced by A. Malchenko with material  
equipment and financial
support from the Totem Project (A. Malchenko, 2008)

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