> Sorry for this second posting, but the Subject was erroneous on the  
> original post.
> Greetings everyone,
>    Just a reminder that we are looking for presenters for our  
> October 24th meeting at University of Massachusetts Boston.  The  
> website is http://www.nerallt.unh.edu/meeting/index.html   The topic  
> is "Changing Times, Changing Spaces:  Fitting the Space (concrete,  
> virtual or blended) to the Learning.  The original call is below,  
> but we are looking for proposals on how you carried out your  
> renovation planning, who composed your planning committee, or how  
> you reach out to faculty and students for their input.  If you are  
> moving to a virtual environment what does that mean in terms of real  
> space?  How would you describe your virtual presence - a website,  
> learning management system, or Web 2.0 tools like podcasting?
> If your services have changed how has this impacted the design of  
> your facility?  Do you do workshops on technology or pedagogy? Do  
> you support a variety of users, in addition to language students and  
> faculty?  Have the skill sets that your staff need to run the  
> facility changed?  Do they need to be out on the floor so they no  
> longer have closed office space.   If you have collaborative  
> learning spaces for students what are they like?  How was (or will)  
> your renovation be funded?
> These are just some of the topics we would encourage you to submit.   
> We're hoping to see how our facilities are changing to meet changing  
> demands.
> Please note the deadline is September 30th - just over a week away.   
> (And registration fee is waived for all presenters.)
> Hope to hear from you,
> Ruth Trometer
> Program Chair
>  ---------------------------------
> Changing Times, Changing Spaces:  Fitting the Space (concrete,  
> virtual or blended) to the Learning
> Call for Presentations
> The New England Regional Association for Language Learning  
> Technology (NERALLT) will hold its fall meeting on Friday, October  
> 24, 2008 at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.  However, our  
> membership and biannual meetings are open to all who wish to present  
> or participate.
> We invite presentations on such issues as new study areas for  
> students, learning center design issues, needs assessment, and  
> useful tools in planning design.  Presentations will be  
> approximately 45 min. in length, including a Q&A section.  We are  
> also planning electronic poster sessions where ongoing demos will be  
> held for 50 minutes, allowing people time to move from station to  
> station approximately every 10-15 minutes.  Some demonstrations  
> appropriate for this venue would be web applications useful in  
> planning or a guided tour of your newly designed facility.
> Email abstracts or address questions to Ruth Trometer, Program  
> Chair, at [log in to unmask] .  The deadline for submissions is  
> September 30, 2008.
> In addition to the abstract, please include the following information:
> Name
> Institution
> Title
> E-mail address
> Postal address
> Telephone number
> Title of the presentation
> Co-author's name, if any
> Co-author's affiliation
> Preferred session type: Presentation or Poster Session

LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning (http://iallt.org/), and The Consortium for Language
and Learning (http://www.languageconsortium.org/).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])