A bird walk organized by the Milton Frey Nature Area Committee yielded 28 bird
species from the 35 acre Norwich nature area this morning. Eight species of
warblers were found including a Louisiana Waterthrush as well as the more
regular Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, and Pine Warblers and Ovenbirds.
Veery and Wood Thrush were present. Nice views were obtained of a male Indigo
Bunting and a male Baltimore Oriole.

 An additional dozen bird species found elsewhere in Norwich today included an
Eastern Wood-Pewee and a singing White-throated Sparrow along the Heyl Trail, a
singing Warbling Vireo near the pond along the middle, readily driveable,
section of Dutton Hill Road, and a Bobolink along Goddard Road.


George Clark
Norwich, VT

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