Hi All-
Just a couple of things for you. If you weren't at rehearsal on Monday we put 
up a few sign-up lists ... 

1) Do you need a band shirt?? If so, what size and do you wish it in Ladies or 
Men's?? They are $10 for the first and full price for additional shirts. 

2) Do you want a sweatshirt?? If so, what size? Those prices are: $15 for S, 
M, L, & XL .... $17 for XXL, and $19 for XXXL

3) Are you interested in carpooling for summer "gigs"? We're making a list 
that will be passed out to anyone that is interested. The "list" will include 
your name, town, and phone #.

Please get back to me if you're interested in any of the above. Will be 
ordering shirts and sweatshirts as soon as I get responses back. And will pass 
out the carpooling list on Monday night.

Thanks ... look forward to seeing you Monday!