--- Forwarded Message from Jack Burston <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:42:07 +0200
>From: Jack Burston <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: French/English positions
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Priority: normal

Dear Colleagues, 

I am writing to bring to your attention three job openings (two in English and
one in French) at the Language Centre of the University of Cyprus.  Application
details are included in the following announcement.  As can be seen, these
positions are for language teaching specialists with University level teaching
experience. The positions are equivalent to tutor/lecturer positions in the US,
i.e., they are non-professorial. English is widely spoken in Cyprus and is the
lingua franca of the Language Centre. Learning Greek, however, is encouraged and
free instruction is provided to all faculty members by the University's Greek
Language school. 

The Language Centre is responsible for the teaching of all non-degree language
courses in the University (BA/MA degree programs are taught in the Departments
of English Studies and French Studies).  The Centre teaches over 45 different
courses in seven languages to some 2400 students per semester. The Language
Center's French curriculum, which is usually taken as an elective, is
beginner/intermediate level (up to A2+ CEF). There are currently about 700
French language enrollments per semester.  The Centre's English curriculum,
which is normally taken as compulsory courses, is taught at the
upper-intermediate/lower advanced levels (B1/B2 CEF). There are currently about
900 English language enrollments per semester.

The starting annual salary for the advertised positions is $DB23,694
(~US$38,000), which is quite reasonable relative to the local cost of living and
income taxes. The University also provides medical coverage at very low cost
compared to the US. 
The teaching load in the Centre is 5 x 3 hr classes (15hrs/week) per semester
(Sept-Dec/Jan-May). Contracts are for 12 months, which include 4 weeks paid
vacation. Non-teaching months are expected to be spent in curriculum and
professional development. An annual allocation of about $DB1100 (~US$1750) is
available to fund conference attendance, seminars and workshops. 

Unfortunately, the University does not pay moving expenses (even for
professorial appointments). Interviews for overseas candidates will be conducted
via video conference.  Please note that application deadlines are very strictly

If you would like more information about the advertised positions, do feel free
to contact me.  Jack

Professor Jack Burston
Language Center
School of Humanities
University of Cyprus
29 Kallipoleos
P.O. Box 20537
1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 2289 2902
Fax:+357 2234 2118


The University of Cyprus is accepting applications for two full-time teaching
Special Teaching Staff positions for teaching English and one full-time teaching
Special Teaching Staff position for teaching French within the Language Centre.

Starting date: September 2008 

(Near) Native-speaker language competence.
MA in Modern Languages (and preferably language teaching specialization or a
background in a related discipline e.g., education, instructional design,
instructional technology). Practical teaching experience in the language taught
(normally three years full-time equivalence at university level). Experience
teaching advanced level academic writing would be a particular advantage for the
English position. A knowledge of Greek would be an asset for all three

In addition to teaching language courses in their area of specialization, EEP
faculty are responsible for syllabus design, course content, testing and course
administration (including supervision of part-time instructors). 

Conditions of Employment
The approved payment scale for Special Teaching Staff is A8-A10-A11.  The
positions are offered on a yearly contract with the possibility of annual

Interested candidates should send to the address indicated below the following
documentation written in the language for which they are applying:
1)	A cover letter, summarizing their professional qualifications and work
2)	A Curriculum Vitae.
3)	Official copies of diplomas and degrees awarded, alongside a notarized
translation into English or French, as appropriate.
4)	Three letters of recommendation, written in English or French or Greek, from
referees familiar with their qualifications and work experience.

All the above should be delivered by hand to the Human Resources Services of
University of Cyprus, Council/Senate Building A G Leventis (Panepistimioupolis),
P. O. Box 20537, CY1678 Nicosia,  the latest by Thursday 29th May, 2008. 
Alternatively, applications may be sent by post in an envelope where the postal
stamp date is clearly shown.  Applications having a clear post mark on or before
May 29th 2008, sent to the following address, "Human Resource Service,
University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, CY-1678 Nicosia" and delivered to the
"Human Resources Services" the latest by June 5th , 2008 will also meet the
prescribed deadline.
For further information, the candidates may contact the Language Centre at 
22-89-2909 or email at [log in to unmask]

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning Technology (http://iallt.org/), and The Consortium for
Language Teaching and Learning (http://www.languageconsortium.org/).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])