Hi Kent,

Thanks for the info on nighthawks and for furnishing the link to the nhpr
website for further information.  

That's very interesting that efforts are underway to restore roof top nesting
sites.  As you probably know, back in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's nighthawks were
ubiquitous in Hanover, Lebanon, and surrounding towns.  Their calls, and the
boom when they came out of their dives, were part of the summer night landscape. 
Baker Library was a favorite haunt with the spotlights attracting insects and
showing the birds in flight.

Among other places, they nested on the flat gravel roof of Steele Hall, the
Chemistry Building across from the White Church.

I have long wondered if there was a link between their disappearance and the
dramatic drop in whippoorwills since the two are related.  But I guess the
disappearance of gravel roofs is a better explanation.


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