Mascoma Audubon's butterfly field trip on Saturday had a good showing of both
butterflies and participants.  The weather threatened, but the rain didn't
begin until we were ending the trip.  Despite the intermittent cloudiness, we
saw a respectable 24 species of butterflies, and several of us were able to get
some photographs.  We visited the Wilder substation and the North Hartland Dam
entrance dike.

Species List:

Cabbage White
Clouded Sulphur
Orange Sulphur
Banded Hairstreak
Eastern Tailed Blue
Spring Azure
Summer Azure
Great-spangled Fritillary
Question Mark
Eastern Comma
Mourning Cloak
Red Admiral
Little Wood Satyr
Common Woodnymph
Silver-spotted Skipper
Northern Cloudywing
European Skipper
Tawny-edged Skipper
Long Dash
Delaware Skipper
Hobomok Skipper
Dun Skipper

Other highlights were a moose at the wetland below the dike, and a cooperative
Indigo Bunting at the substation.  Also lots of odonates and Virginia Ctenuchid

Terry Rosenmeier
Mascoma Audubon

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