On Sat, 28 Jul 2007, David Livesay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Jul 28, 2007, at 6:12 AM, Joe Barwell wrote:
>> set s to change "([^(AAA)])\\t$" into "\\1" in s with regexp
>I'm not familiar with Satimage's implementation, but what are the
>inner () for? I've found that nested (()) break backreferences in
>most regex implementations.

Hi Dave,

Uhhh... it was an attempt to group things, but you're right, it
doesn't actually achieve what I wanted.

My thanks also to Emmanuel for his post on this thread.



Selected from Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary":
REASONABLE, adj. -- Accessible to the infection of our own opinions.
Hospitable to persuasion, dissuasion and evasion.