--- Forwarded Message from Roberto Perez <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 09:06:39 -0400
>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: Roberto Perez <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: saving positive/negative film

Hi all,

There has been exchanges in the past discussing how to transfer old 
analog audio tapes to digital formats (wav, aiff) so as to preserve 
those materials. There has been similar (though fewer) discussions on 
how to transfer old VHS tapes to digital formats (avi, mpg) for 
similar preservation purposes.

Now I'd like to ask about transferring old slides/negative film into 
digital format (e.g., jpg) for the purposes of preserving those 
materials. For example:
1- would you get better results scanning your paper printouts, or 
scanning your negatives?
2- if the second, would would be a good resolution? 600 dpi? 1200 
dpi? If I use the larger resolution, but then I want to post that 
picture on a website, I'm afraid too much resizing may affect quality 
in a noticeable way. On the other hand, if I use a smaller 
resolution, and then  I want a larger paper printout, the (lower) 
quality due to resizing would also be noticeable...
3- What about the scanning size? 4x6? 7x9? The same concerns as above 
regarding potential resizing needs would apply...
4- If you have your negatives, and you have your scanned pictures, 
and you want a printout, would one source (e.g., negatives vs. 
digital copy) provide any advantage over the other? In other words, 
would a printout created from the actual negative have any advantage 
over a printout generated from a digital copy (assuming a good 
quality digital version), or viceversa?
5- Once you get your digital versions, is it ok to dispose of the 
negatives (as, I assume, you dispose of the analogue tapes once they 
have been converted to digital format)? I'm trying to think what 
having the negatives would allow me to do (that the digital copies 
wouldn't), but then again, if I had taken those pictures with a 
digital camera there wouldn't even be any negatives anyway...

Any ideas, pointers, suggestions, will be appreciated.


Roberto Perez
[log in to unmask]

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