--- ALAN KEITT wrote:
Somewhere I saw a posting about a weekly trip to Boston Lot Lake on
Wednesday mornings. Can anyone remind me of the time and meeting place? 
Alan Keitt
--- end of quote ---


Alan's question reminds me that the bird list has a very accessible Archive,
with full search capabilities, which you should find very useful.  It can be
accessed using the URL which is displayed in the footer of every posting to


You should be able to Control (or Command) Click on this URL, or else copy and
paste the address into your web-browser's search box.

The first time you use the Archive, you will need to set up a password.  Use
the e-mail address under which you are subscribed to UV-Birders as your user
name.  [You can actually use the Archive without logging in, but  the e-mail
addresses of posters will be masked, as a security/privacy measure].  The
Archive goes back to 4/1/2003, when we began using the current ListServ server,
but will eventually contain a 5 year record of postings (the system limit). 
Footnote about dates:  ListServ is an international product, and doesn't
recognize the US date format (mm/dd/yy).  You need to use the international
date format for date searches:  yyyy/mm/dd

Anyway, to get back to Alan's specific question, a search on "Boston Lot" since
Jan., 2007, yields only 3 results.  Two mention observations this spring in the
Boston Lot area, and the 3rd is Alan's question from yesterday.

Searching back to last year turns up several postings from the Warbler
Wednesday outings.  These trips were sponsored by the Mascoma Chapter of the NH
Audubon Society, and were led by Becky Cook and Ted Boze. 
Their e-mail address is:  [log in to unmask]

if you want to contact them about plans for this year.

If the outings are being offered again this year, please post the details on
the List, as I'm sure others would be interested.

Bill Schults
Co-list-owner, [log in to unmask]

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