

I went through our links/resources page last week to delete the links
that had expired and search for new resources.  I imagine we all do this
on a fairly regular basis trying to keep everything as up to date as
possible.  This time I did things a little differently.  Instead of just
adding and deleting links on an html page, I added them to a del.icio.us
account, http://del.icio.us/languagetechnology  and tagged them.  I then
used some javascript they provide to display the links on our website,
http://del.icio.us/help/linkrolls (you'll have to login, you can use
username - languagetechnology and password - password).  The effect is
something like this:


(search page)

urces.html (the Italian resources)


What I would propose is that everyone interested could post their links
to this Delicious account.  Each person could then use javascript and
the tagging system to display certain links on their website. For
example, I could have a page on the French department website that just
showed the pages tagged "French".  When others in LLTI added links with
that tag they would appear on the site.  A more conservative approach
would be to have the webpage only display links that had been tagged
with "French" and my school name "Dickinson".  I would then check back
to Delicious once in a while to see what new pages everyone had added
under "French" and add the tag "Dickinson" if I wanted it displayed on
my site.  My page would then be updated automatically.  If you know a
little bit of scripting you can also make a search page for all of the
resources by keyword.


The username and password for the delicious account are above. If you're
interested, please let me know. If you're unfamiliar with delicious or
how the javascript works I'd be happy to give a quick demo.




Todd Bryant

Language Program Administrator

Dickinson College


Fax - 717-245-1456