--- Forwarded Message from Peter Lafford <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Disposition-notification-to: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:16:35 -0700
>From: Peter Lafford <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: RE: #8002 software auditing/metering
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum   
<[log in to unmask]>
>Thread-Topic: #8002 software auditing/metering
>Thread-Index: AcW+0wXNlnB9CvebQc2d3xaZ229AMgABU/DQ

Arizona State University has been using KeyServer for its campus labs,
both PC and Mac, quite happily.  We just acquired it for our Language
Computing Lab and department use, and have been totally satisfied.

[log in to unmask]
Director, Language Computing Lab
Arizona State University
PO Box 870202
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202

-----Original Message-----
From: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of LLTI-Editor
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:36 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: #8002 software auditing/metering

--- Forwarded Message from Beth Secrist <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:19:00 -0400
>From: Beth Secrist <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: software auditing/metering
>To: LLTI <[log in to unmask]>

Dear LLTIers, please excuse the general question (and please refer me
to a general lab management site or listserv if you know one), but you
all are such a wonderful source of information.

What is the consensus for software for software auditing or metering?
We had used KeyServer at my previous institution, but I'm not very
familiar with this kind of software with regard to metering different
platforms and dealing with different types of licensing issues for
different software. Is KeyServer still considered the best?

In the infamous words from the Godfather (II?) "I thought I was out,
but they dragged me back in."

Many thanks for any information you might have, Beth

Beth Secrist
Coordinator, Technology Across the Curriculum
College of Arts & Sciences MS 3A3
419 Enterprise Hall
George Mason University
Phone: 703-993-4446
[log in to unmask]
Fairfax, VA  22030-4444

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])