--- Forwarded Message from Mike Ledgerwood <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 22:49:11 -0400
>From: Mike Ledgerwood <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: #7910 JNCL-NCLIS
>In-reply-to: <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>References: <[log in to unmask]>

Hi all.  Bob is already cognizant of what this organization is.

I think few of us realize that the major language organizations in the
pay for a lobbying agency in Washington.  This is the Joint National
Council on
Languages (as well as NCLIS which deals with languages and
international studies).

IALLT is a member of this group as are the major lang. teaching groups.
  MLA is now
redefining its participation, unfortunately.

Our rep. in DC, Dave Edwards, is someone who knows people like Senators
Chris Dodd (CT) and Thad Cochran (MS) and
helps them help us.  As past chair of the Northeast Conf. on the
Teaching of FL I learned that our Exec. Dir. was JNCL president for two
years.  We pay a lot of money for this as well.  We have honored
Cochran recently at our Conference.

I think we should just thank Bob for doing this work for all of us.
Delving into politics is never fun,
but really necessary.

Best, Mike

Mikle D. Ledgerwood, Ph.D.
Head of French
Tenured Professor of French and Technology and Education
Director of the Language Learning and Research Center
State University of New York at Stony Brook

On 05-05-18, at 16:33, LLTI-Editor wrote:

> --- Forwarded Message from "Bob Peckham" <[log in to unmask]> ---
>> Subject: JNCL-NCLIS
>> Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:24:52 -0500
>> Thread-Topic: JNCL-NCLIS
>> Thread-Index: AcVbBVXRXuhr2o7iQYWFZjvgwzJuRQ==
>> From: "Bob Peckham" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> I am heading for Washington DC and the JNCL-NCLIS meeting, with
> congressional
> participation, and visits to congressional offices.  Looking at the
> bills being
> pushed, I see "The International Foreign Language Studies Act of 2005"
> (Dodd/Cochran in senate), which has a component dedicated tech-support
> for
> language programs.
> TBob
> Univ. of Tennessee at Martin
> ***********************************************
>  LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
> Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
> Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
> Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
> Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])
> ***********************************************