--- Forwarded Message from Peter Liddell <[log in to unmask]> ---

Dear fellow IALLTers
It's very hard to pass on this news that of one our dearest
colleagues and tireless, fun workers for the association, Bruce
Parkhurst, is battling a debilitating disease. Please join us in
sending Bruce our heartfelt wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
All our love and IALLT 'hugs', Bruce.
Go girl! (to quote one of your own favorite phrases)

>>  >>> Liliane Dusewoir 02/24/05 1:26 PM, writing to Mary Morrisard-Larkin>>>
>>Hi Mary, here is the official mail Bruce has asked  to be sent to
>>everyone. I will repeat to her your kind words and am sure she would
>>very much appreciate signs of support from everyone, so if you could
>>pass this along to the nerald community and anyone else you might think
>>of, that would be great. Right now she has ahead of her 2 or 3 weeks at
>>most. Although I trust the chemo will save her, we should not delay our
>>act. Liliane
>>>>>  Paula Hennessey <[log in to unmask]> 02/24/05 12:21 PM >>>
>>  Bruce Parkhurst, former Director of the Geddes Language Center, wanted
>>to let everyone know that she has just been diagnosed with acute
>>leukemia, type M3, and will be undergoing intensive chemotherapy
>>immediately at a hospital in Pennsylvania . It's a serious cancer but
>>that has high survival rates when caught and treated early. She'll be
>>in the
>>hospital for the next 2-3 weeks. Due to her compromised immune system,
>>cannot receive flowers, but said she would very much like to have us,
>>former coworkers, friends and associates, send her photos of themselves
>>she will display in her room to create a positive atmosphere and help
>>treatment process. Any such responses will be greatly appreciated.
>>  Her address is as follows:
>>  Hamot Medical Center
>>  201 State Street
>>  Room 719
>>  Erie PA 16550
>>  Thank you ,
>>Paula Hennessey
>>[log in to unmask]
>Nina Garrett, Director
>Center for Language Study
>Yale University
>P.O. Box 208349
>New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8349
>Tel: (203) 432-8196
>Fax. (203) 432-4485
>[log in to unmask]

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])