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>Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 14:39:42 -1000
>From: Language Learning & Technology <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: LLT V9N1 now available
>To: [log in to unmask]

We are happy to announce that Volume 9, Number 1 of Language Learning &
Technology is now available at http://llt.msu.edu. This is a special Issue on
"technology and young learners" and was guest edited by Michele Knobel and Colin
Lankshear. The contents are listed below.

Please visit the LLT Web site and be sure to enter your free subscription if you
have not already done so. Also, we welcome your contributions for future issues.
Check our guidelines for submission at http://llt.msu.edu/contrib.html.


Dorothy Chun and Irene Thompson, Editors
Language Learning & Technology (http://llt.msu.edu)

***Feature Articles***
Child-to-Child Interaction and Corrective Feedback in a Computer Mediated L2
Class by Frank Morris, University of Miami

Triadic Scaffolds: Tools for Teaching English Language Learners with Computers
by Carla Meskill, State University of New York at Albany

The Design of Effective ICT-Supported Learning Activities: Exemplary Models,
Changing Requirements, and New Possibilities by Cameron Richards, University of
Western Australia

Commentary: You're Not Studying, You're Just... by Ravi Purushotma,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

On the Net: Let's Go to the Zoo! Sites for Young Language Learners by Jean W.
LeLoup & Robert Ponterio

Emerging Technologies: Messaging, Gaming, Peer-to-Peer Sharing: Language
Learning Strategies & Tools for the Millennial Generation by Bob Godwin-Jones

Edited by Rafael Salaberry

Internet for English Teaching by Mark Warschauer, Heidi Shetzer, & Christine
Reviewed by Shaofeng Li

Technology and Teaching English Language Learners by Mary Ellen Butler-Pascoe &
Karin M. Wiburg
Reviewed by Kaley Bierman

***Call for Papers***
Theme: Technology and Listening Comprehension

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])