--- Forwarded Message from Judi Franz <[log in to unmask]> ---

>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
>References: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 11:08:29 -0800
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>From: Judi Franz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: #7685.4 eBay (was Where in the World)

>--- Forwarded Message from "Edmund Dente" <[log in to unmask]> ---
>More importantly, I just assumed that our Purchasing Department would never
>allow us to buy things from eBay. I assumed they would allow sales only from
>established, incorporated companies -- ones that had real accounting
>departments, etc.
>Much to my surprise, I learned that this was not the case. In fact, I was
>encouraged to look on eBay by our Purchasing Agent.
>Judging by the responses from others, this must be the case at other
>schools as
>well. What about the rest of you all.  Do you purchase items on eBay for your
>labs?  Am I living in the wrong century by asking this?

We have purchased headsets from eBay, because we were looking for a
particular model that is no longer manufactured, and found someone
with a stash of them. Our Purchasing Department will only let us buy
through eBay if the vendor has a real business as well, though, and
is not just an individual cleaning out their attic.

Judi Franz, Director                         U C Irvine
Humanities Instruc. Resource Ctr.            269 Humanities Hall
(949) 824-4500                       Irvine, CA  92697-3775
(949) 824-2803/fax                   http://www.humanities.uci.edu/hirc

2003-05 IALLT Programs Director      http://iallt.org

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Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])