--- Forwarded Message from John de Szendeffy <[log in to unmask]> ---

>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
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>From: John de Szendeffy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: #7633 High School Labs
>Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:41:41 -0400
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
<[log in to unmask]>

Hello Rowena,

Your question has come up before so I hope you get useful responses.
But first, a question. While we use Apple Remote Desktop here, we do
not use it or recommend it for audio communications. (It wasn't
designed for that.) I'm curious why you want the computers to
facilitate this rather demanding technical task over simply having
students speak face-to-face? Are you pairing students up over a
distance, such as between different schools? If not, what do the
computers add to this activity that is not present in simply pairing
students up face-to-face?

John de Szendeffy
Multimedia Language Lab
Center for English Language and Orientation Programs
Boston University
ph                      617.353.7957
fx                      617.353.6195
lab                     http://www.bu.edu/celop/mll/
personal                http://people.bu.edu/johndesz/

> --- Forwarded Message from Rowena Mak <[log in to unmask]> ---

> Hi,
> Our school operates on a Mac platform and we are shopping for a new
> language lab.  I visited Bowling Green University in the spring and was
> very impressed with the Apple Remote Desktop that Dr. Skulas has
> utilized to implement their lab.  However, I am still looking for a
> product that can facilitate the oral component that will enable the
> teacher to pair up students simultaneously to complete
> listening/speaking activities.
> I have checked out Wimba and while their products seem impressive, they
> are not compatible with our needs.  Are there any high schools that
> operate on a Mac platform and have found a solution for the oral
> component.
> Thanks for your help.
> ***********************************************************************
> *
> ****
> Rowena Mak
> Spanish Teacher
> Spanish Club Sponsor
> Foreign Language Department
> Stevenson High School
> 1 Stevenson Drive
> Lincolnshire, Il 60069
> (847) 634.4000 vmx. 2104
> [log in to unmask]