--- Forwarded Message from Deanne Cobb <[log in to unmask]> ---

>From: Deanne Cobb <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 13:40:06 -0600
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: #7587 authoring tools
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>Priority: HIGH

We have been using Hot Potatoes for some time and have been very happy with it.
There are always limitations and a tool might not suit all uses, but we have
found it to be the perfect solution to our many needs.

The nice thing about Hot Potatoes is that you are able to modify the existing
source code or even write your own for an entirely different exercise.  Although
you yourself may not have the knowledge currently to do this, a CS student at
your school could easily be hired to design anything different that you really
wanted and then you could use it for multiple exercises afterwards.  It's very
adaptable that way.  As well, many others have made it possible for you to
download their modified source code giving you further exercise development

As I said before, no tool is perfect.  We have found Hot Potatoes to be very
easy to use and very flexible (allowing for audio, video, etc use) and technical
knowledge is not required.  However, the traditional exercises are more of a
drill type so it isn't likely to help with more advanced classes.

I have tried out MaxAuthor and several others.  I didn't like them as well as
Hot Potatoes, but again, they just didn't suit our needs.

In addition, Hot Potatoes has a very helpful usersgroup which the authors of the
software monitor.  Whenever I have found a bug or was having a problem, they
were very quick to answer with a solution and even consider modifying the
program in its next version according to our suggestions.  I have yet to find
another software product that is so grass-roots in their approach.

Good luck with your search.  If you wanted to have a look at some of our
exercises, I would suggest you take a look at the exercises we currently have
posted to the web.

German (last year's version of program; newer, more adaptable version of
program now available) http://uregina.ca/~laninstit/HotPot/German/index.html

Spanish (old, old version of program, and exercises were made more sporadically.
There are some faults in the pages which are entirely due to my errors, not the
design of the program) http://uregina.ca/~laninstit/HotPot/Spanish/frames1.html

Beginner French (old, old version of program and sporadic like the Spanish.
Needs updating and error-checking)

Chinese (new version, not yet live for students and still in development)

Japanese (new version, not yet live
for students and still in
development) http://uregina.ca/~laninstit/HotPot/Japanese/

I hope these help.  As you can see (particularly with the Chinese and with the
Beginner French), we have incorporated audio and pictures into the exercises.

Good luck with your search and happy developing :)

Deanne Cobb
University of Regina

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 08:15:38 EDT LLTI-Editor <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> --- Forwarded Message from [log in to unmask] ---
> >From: [log in to unmask]
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: authoring tools
> >Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 17:57:40 +0000
> I would be grateful to those of you who have used (web) authoring tools (such
> MaxAuthor, Extemplate, HotPotatoesO) to share your experience implementing and
> using these products.
> I would also appreciate any articles, reviews or recommendations on (web)
> authoring tools.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Anna

Deanne Cobb
Language Lab Manager
Language Resource Centre
University of Regina