--- Forwarded Message from "Ann Therkelsen" <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Subject: Second-year Spanish
>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 11:53:13 -0800
>Thread-Topic: Second-year Spanish
>Thread-Index: AcQY7LQruoZbrfxVSymt2Vd7HwL00A==
>From: "Ann Therkelsen" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>

Dear colleagues,

What wisdom can you impart regarding ways to offer second-year Spanish (or any
other under-enrolled language course) in which low enrollments make it
impossible to offer them as a regular class?  Presumably a well-equipped
language lab, which we hope to acquire shortly, can support that, if not as an
online or independent study course, perhaps in some sort of hybrid class/lab
arrangement or...what?  How can our lab help us make the courses available,
pedagogically effective and cost effective?  Not a new question...If anyone has
been satisfied with student outcomes in online language courses or a lab
equivalent, I'd love to know about that, as well as any other creative solutions
to the problem of under-enrolled classes that seem to work.  Also, does anyone
know of a second-year Spanish text that is well supported by digital media,
comparable to, say, ?Sabias Que?

I will much appreciate any experience or information you're willing to share.

Ann Therkelsen

Whatcom Community College

Bellingham, WA