Sander Tekelenburg, wrote:
What made you think you should use "x-attachments"?

>At 13:49 -0700 UTC, on 5/15/03, Jim Ault wrote:
>>  Not sure why I cannot get this to work.
>>  Eudora 5.2, Mac OS 8.6
>>  --> set field "x-attachments" of message 0 to ...
>  > <gives> "Cant make some data into the expected type"
Jim answers:
My header is labeled "x-attachments" (ala "Subject", "CC"),
and that header can indeed be set via AppleScript.  Looks good so far.
It is only the actual sending/receiving of the message that shows a problem.
The OUT box shows the new message to have an attachment icon, so all
appears correct.
As a result, I thought this header definition should work, but not so.

Sander's solution DOES  work.
>I don't recall if this was the same in 5.2, but 6's dictionary says:
>attach to: Attach documents to a message
>         attach to  reference  -- the message to attach the documents to
>                 documents  a list of alias  -- list of documents to attach
>                 [spooling  boolean]  -- True to make Eudora copy the
>document and
>attach the copy, and delete the copy when the message is deleted.
set fileList to {alias "MacHD:Desktop Folder:FMkrSessionNotes"}
--not  sure  why, but the following  also works   (JMA)
set theAttachments to {"MacHD:Desktop Folder:FMkrSessionNotes"}

>tell application "Eudora"
>         set theMessage to (make new message at end of mailbox named "Out")
>         attach to theMessage documents fileList
>end tell

Thanks for the help.