At 8:35 PM -0400 5/26/03, Chip Griffin wrote:
>Why does this script:
>-- Begin Script
>set theItem to {alias "Macintosh HD:Users:chip:Pictures:dog_cats.jpg"}
>tell application "Finder"
>        set comment of item theItem to "Test Test"
>end tell
>-- End Script
>Yield this error:
>        "Finder got this error: A descriptor type mismatch occurred."
>I receive the same error if I tried to set a variable to the "comment
>of item theItem".

Because theItem is a list that can contain more than one item. One of
these should work:

set theItem to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:chip:Pictures:dog_cats.jpg"
tell application "Finder"
        set comment of theItem to "Test Test"
end tell

set theItem to {alias "Macintosh HD:Users:chip:Pictures:dog_cats.jpg"}
tell application "Finder"
        set comment of item 1 of theItem to "Test Test"
end tell


Rob Jorgensen
Ohio, USA