--- Forwarded Message from Mike Ledgerwood <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:40:40 -0500
>Subject: Azar (ESL program) not working in OS X or XP
>Cc: Jennifer Adams <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Language Forum <[log in to unmask]>
>From: Mike Ledgerwood <[log in to unmask]>

Evidently Apple really has made it difficult for secured labs to go
back into Classic when needed.

We have one crucial application that 200 ESL students need to use every
semester called, "Azar".  It uses Quark's immedia viewer to run.
Unfortunately it will not run in OS X natively (or near-natively).
Quark is well-known for being a Mac OS X hold out of course.
I could find nothing on Quark's web site about when an OS X version
will come out for the viewer, although there may be some hope it will
be part of the native OS X version 6 to come out (whenever it does).

I have thought about contacting Prentice Hall about this but figure
that is a waste of time.  I actually know the guy who was in charge of
the project who lives here in Stony Brook (New York).  However, he
would have no clue about this problem either.

And don't even think about making it work in XP.  The program calls for
a version of Quicktime that is old and new version of Quicktime won't
run it.

Best to all, Mike Ledgerwood
Director of the Language Learning and Research Center
Head of French
State University of New York at Stony Brook.