I am Selcuk Ozdemir. I am a research assistant and a master student at =
the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at the =
Middle East Technical University in Ankara in Turkey.=20
Nowadays, I started my thesis studies. My focus is on activating the =
passive vocabulary knowledge of EFL students. Some vocabulary is not =
used in writing or speaking even if they are understood when heard or =
read by EFL students. Since I have the same diffuculty, I want to  =
develop a computer application (on Internet or local) to force the EFL =
students to use all vocabulary they already know for the students at the =
age level of 14 in a high school and search this subject as my master =
Is there anyone who knows any on-line resource on the subject =
"activating passive vocabulary knowledge" or "increasing use of =
frequency of passive vocabulary"

Your helps will be highly appreciated

Selcuk Ozdemir

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