If you're looking for an opportunity to hone your leadership skills while contributing to our chapter's growth, apply for an Executive Board position at the Women's Network Dartmouth for THE 2024-2025 academic year!
All 25s, 26s, and 27s are invited to apply, regardless of how new you are to TWND. No previous experience is needed!

FILL OUT THIS FORM<https://forms.gle/HDNiAM97dsPv3Vkz5>.

The deadline to send in your application is May 5th, but send it as soon as possible so we can schedule interviews!
Please reach out if you have any questions!

So......What is The Women's Network (TWN)?
The Women's Network (TWN) is the largest collegiate women's networking organization in the United States. Our mission is to connect collegiate and recently graduated women and non-binary people to each other and to industry leaders, while celebrating ambition. We host a variety of experiential events and programs - both at a chapter and national level - such as speaker panels, networking events, and professional development workshops.

TWN has a presence on over 150 college campuses in the United States and Canada, and, at present, over 55,000 members in our community.

TWN is a great way to form authentic connections, develop leadership skills, gain insight into different careers, and meet other ambitious women on your campus and across the world.
Interested? Fill out our national membership form<http://bit.ly/jointwn>!