Hey students! Are your handlebars loose? Tires flat? Chain squeaky and rusty?

Dartmouth Bikes will be hosting our first pop-up bike shop of the term this Monday, April 15th from 3 PM - 5 PM on the patio in front of Fahey-McLane<https://www.dartmouthbikes.com/location>!

This event is for QUICK FIXES ONLY. To schedule an appointment for any fix longer than 15 minutes, please visit our website<http://www.dartmouthbikes.com/>.

[A advertisement for a bike shop  Description automatically generated]

You can fill your tires and lube your chain for free, and small fixes are just $10 for 15 minutes of labor (plus the cost of any parts). We only accept DASH Discretionary via the GET Mobile app<https://www.dartmouth.edu/finance/tuition/dartmouth_card/id_card_accounts/get_mobile_web_user_account.php>, so please bring your phone, ID Card, and have your DASH preloaded with some money. We can also help you register your bike for free!

See you soon!

Dartmouth Bikes | Sustainability Office
Basement of Fahey Hall
Campus Bikes Policy<https://policies.dartmouth.edu/policy/bicycle-policy>