Dear friends,

Join us this evening at the Edge (14 School St, across from Panarchy) at 6pm for our weekly wonderful home cooked dinner (thanks, Brian!), community, and some lively discussion of this term's book, Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. 

This week's reading is about faith. Kierkegaard describes the story of Abraham and Isaac as an attempted murder. What kind of faith is a faith that could justify this act? Kierkegaard asserts that faith is holding together the paradox of total resignation and expectation of receiving that which was resigned. He talks about a leap of faith from that resignation to that hope and expectation, but the author asserts he is not capable of such a leap. Is that an easy leap for you to make?

Bring your own thoughts and questions as we wrestle with this text!

Just a reminder that you are just as welcome to join even if you haven't read any of the book! We also have extra copies if you'd like.

Wishing you all the best,

Assistant Chaplain
Episcopal Campus Ministry