Looking to get crafty?
Have some clothes you need to patch up?
Interested in getting involved with the (very cool) Makerspace?

Look no further than our very own series of
Creative Sustainability Hangouts!


Every Thursday from today!! to May 9 from 5 - 6:30PM
join us for a beginner-friendly textiles-focused workshop
with small demos and team members to help you with your
sewing, repair and alteration projects ✂️

and SNACKS PROVIDED of course 🍬🍪

Register here to ensure a spot!

This event is part of The Cable Makerspace, DIAD and Office of Sustainability’s
Eco-Collab Event Series.
See a full slate of activities here<https://dalilab.notion.site/Upcoming-Events-69364eb971b44f7fa652505975430180>!


stay crafty,