This Saturday 4/13 there will be a trip to the Norwich, VT dance hall for their monthly CONTRA DANCE! 

Contra dancing is a traditional New England folk dance. It's super fun, has live music, AND you don't need to know anything going into it—someone at the front of the hall tells you everything. All dance roles are gender-neutral. Also, this trip is paid for by the College and therefore FREE FOR STUDENTS if you go with our official trip over!

You can join our trip, leaving from behind Robinson Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, on the DOC's Trailhead website, also linked below. Beginners and longtime contra dancers are all welcome. Bring water, clothes you're okay with sweating a bit in, and optionally a face mask and extra pair of clean shoes to change into while you dance (or they'll just ask you to dance barefoot/in socks to protect their floor). There's more information on the sign-up page; you'll get one automatic email when you sign up and then another if you're approved.

Sign up for the trip:

[Dartmouth students and local community members having a blast at a previous Norwich contra dance]

the Contra and Folk Dancing Club