Hi Folks,

We have received an IMPORTANT UPDATE ABOUT ORGO SCHEDULE CHANGES from Dartmouth’s Chemistry department. 


For both next year, 2023-2024 and 2024-2025:

  1. Honors Orgo (57/58) will NOT be offered, unfortunately.
  2. The Chem 51 and Chem 52 sequence will be offered 3X throughout the year instead!


The good news is that the change will give some of you more flexibility in your Orgo planning for at least the next two years. That being said, remain mindful to take it when you are ready NOT just “to get it done.”


what does it look like?

Fall + Winter: Chem 51/52

Winter + Spring: Chem 51/52

Spring + Summer: Chem 51/52


Or another way to look at it is:

Fall: 51

Winter: 51, 52

Spring: Chem 51, 52

Summer:  52


Much food for thought for some of you! We wishing you the best as you consider this shift relevant to your own schedule, the next two years.


Warmest wishes,

Sarah, Nicole, and Rae


Health Professions Program

Carson 125

Dartmouth College

(603) 646-3377


Sarah Berger, Assistant Dean, Health Professions Advising

Nicole Roeper, Assistant Dean, Health Professions Advising

Rae Stokes, Program Coordinator


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