Hello fellow frisbee fans!

*Welcome to graduate ultimate frisbee club! *

We are very excited to get this club off the ground, and we are super
encouraged by the number of enthusiastic people who signed on to join us.

Hopefully everyone is having a great first week into the new semester!
Since schedules are starting to solidify, we would appreciate your input on
the optimal meeting time to throw around some flat ball. Please fill out
this poll
so that we can get the disk flying. *Please Note: the options in this poll
specify dates; however, please respond as if it simply stated days (Monday
- Tuesday - Thursday), so that we can schedule regular meetings

I am sorry to say that *Frisbee Fridays have been cancelled* for the
foreseeable future. The responses from the above poll will decide when we
will hold regular meetups. please respond promptly if you want to to make
sure we take *your* schedule into account.

We have a slack channel!! You can follow this link
<https://guar-guarini-school.slack.com/archives/C02EQS51N7N>, or find us
under #Ultimate-Frisbee within the Dartmouth Guarini School of Graduate and
Advanced Studies. In addition to posting schedule updates, this is the
perfect place to find like minded frisbee folk to casually toss a disk.

See you soon!
Alice, Swetha, and Ridhi


Access the GRADUATE-ULTIMATE-FRISBEE-GROUP Home Page and Archives:

