TL;DR Baker 158 8:00 PM tonight!

Sophomore Summer is coming to a close, you're getting ​Sappy about everyone being off next year, and you want anything (ANYTHING) to take your mind off of finals.


​??? ​H​o​w ​d​o ​y​o​u ​w​a​n​t ​t​o ​s​pe​n​d​ y​o​ur wan​ing​ su​m​mer​ hour​s​ ???

Studying?  Procrastinating studying with kindness? ✅


Regardless of if you've ever been before (98% of you haven't) come join Random Acts of Kindness​ ​at 8:00 PM tonight in Baker 158 for our first ever ​CARDS, CAPSULES & CANDY event!

You'll have the option to write "Happy I got to know you this term" cards to your new Sophomore Summer friends, or, if you're going off next term, you can write a card to yourself that we'll hold onto until you're back! Tape some candy to your friend cards too or eat it while you're at the meeting! See you later 🙂



Justin K. and Ruben G.
RAK ❤️